How to: Use grid views

Using grid views

You can set up the grid views to your liking, and here’s how:

  • Sort by column by clicking on the title bar.
  • Type in the title field to search text in the column. Click the funnel icon on the right side to refine your search.
  • Change column order by dragging and dropping them.
  • Group information by dragging a field to the top row. Tip: you can do multiple groupings.

Adding and removing columnns

  • Right click on the grid and select Columns, this brings up the column chooser.
  • To add columns drag desired columns from the chooser to the grids title bar.
  • To remove columns drag them from the title bar to the chooser.

Saving and loading layouts

  • To save your layout, right cling on the column and Save layout.
  • Tip: you can also save a Shared layout if you want everyone to be able to use it.
  • To load layouts, just right click and select either Load layout or Load shared layout or
  • Select Layout from the drop down menu.

Tip: resetting the layout

If you can’t find what you are looking for try resetting the grid by right clicking and selecting Reset layout.